Sometimes you have to accept it: baking is a risky endeavor. You might often get it right, but you can’t deny those awful days when your baking plan leaves you with a disaster. No worries! Here are 5 simple, yet sure, tips to remove that disastrous stench from your kitchen.
Pour some vanilla essence or extract — about a teaspoon — in a baking dish and bake it. Your oven and kitchen both will smell like heaven. Baking disaster? Says who?
Lemon juice and salt scrub
Mix some lemon juice with salt and scrub the mixture inside your oven. The salt acts as an abrasive while the lemon removes grease and fat stench. The citrus in the lemon is strong enough to remove even the toughest of smells and stains. No one will guess what you “baked” in your kitchen.
Bake with orange peels
A quick and easy method to get rid of nasty baking stench in your kitchen is to put some orange peels in your oven and bake them. The orange emits a fragrance that will mask your kitchen disaster. Just be careful not to let it burn; that becomes another problem altogether.
Water and vinegar
Mix water and vinegar in a ratio of 1:1 and wipe your oven with this paste. It will not only remove lingering smells in your oven, but it’s also a great cleanser.
Last resort
If your baking experiment goes so wrong that nothing covers it up, there’s always a workaround. Make a paste of baking soda and water. Brush the interior of your oven with the paste and let it sit overnight.
In the meantime, light up a few scented candles, order a take-out, and enjoy a wonderful candle-lit meal.
Wipe your oven with a clean cloth in the morning, and watch your appliance sparkle. And no one has to know about your cooking misfortune.